5月8日,港警出身的李家超,在中共安排下,没有竞争者、没有普选、没有民主,成为香港的傀儡统治者,正式掀开 「黑警治港」的序幕。
仅仅三日,李家超立即开出上任后第一枪,对准在反送中运动中为受伤、被捕手足提供全面支援的【612人道支援基金】而何韵诗、陈日君、吴霭仪、许宝强、何秀兰等5名基金信托人,则在2022年5月11号号涉嫌港版国安法中 「勾结外国势力罪」而全部被非法抓捕。
召集人:刘雅雅 +1 (310) 433-0697
召集人:Charles Lam +1 (661) 304-4464
召集人:界立建+1 (929) 498-9936
召集人:黄建滨+1 (626) 241-5640
地址:洛杉矶中国领事馆 443 Shatto Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90020
Topic: Protest against the CCP’s Evil National Security Law to Arrest Pro-democracy activists of Hong Kong and 612 Humanitarian Assistance is Not Guilty.
On May 8, John Lee Ka-chiu, who started his career from police of Hong Kong, became the puppet ruler of Hong Kong under the arrangement of the CCP, with no competitors, no real suffrage, and no democracy, which formally opened the prelude that Gangster Police of Hong Kong has ruled Hong Kong.
In just three days, John Lee Ka-chiu immediately fired his first shot after taking office, targeting the [612 Humanitarian Support Fund], which provided comprehensive support for injured and arrested Pro-democracy activists during Anti-Extradition Law Movement. Denise Ho Wan See, Joseph Zen Ze-kiu, Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee, Hui Po-keung, Cyd Ho Sau-lan and other five fund trustees were all illegally arrested on May 11, 2022 on suspicion of “colluding with foreign forces” in the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law.
The gangster police chief John Lee Ka-chiu used the Hong Kong National Security Terror Law to arrest five human rights activists in Hong Kong, including the 90-year-old Catholic emeritus Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiu of Hong Kong.
On May 15th, we will protest against the terrorist rule under the gangster police and express solidarity with the arrested trustee of the “612 Humanitarian Support Fund” and other human rights defenders and protesters who were falsely accused and imprisoned by the CCP and Hong Kong police.
Event organizer: Visual Artists Guild
Convenor: Yaya Liu +1 (310) 433-0697
Event organizer: LA Hong Kong Forum
Convenor: Charlies Lam +1 (661) 304-4464
Event organizer: China Democracy Party
Convenor: Jie Lijian +1 (929) 498-9936
Convener: Huang Jianbin +1 (626) 241-5640
Time: 3:00PM-5:00PM
Date: May 15, 2022 (Sunday)
Address: Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles 443 Shatto Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90020