华盛顿, DC.

19 4 月, 2024 2:30 下午

Picture from Global Report

The CCP has just celebrated its 101st anniversary in the midst of a cloud of gloom and slaughter in Chinese society. This party-state anniversary celebration has a very strange atmosphere, it can be said to be a double world. On the one hand, those who want to be promoted in the new round of the power game of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China use disgusting and unpleasant slave words and parallel sentences to compete with Xi Jinping to flatter and flatter; on the other hand, official control is ineffective. There is disgust, contempt and ridicule against Xi Jinping all over the social media, and also mixed with gossip news that Xi Jinping was forced to step down or get off the bus at the station, making people feel the surge of anti-Xi voices and the undercurrent of anti-Xi. My observation is that the CCP-state has come to a dead end amid precariousness. I judge the end of the totalitarian party-state of the CCP on three levels of basis, namely, the general framework of the evolution of communism’s totalitarian regime, the interruption of the intergenerational inheritance of the CCP’s totalitarian regime, and the internal and external difficulties and internal and external attacks brought about by totalitarianism’s retrograde actions.

The totalitarian party-state is at the end of the road, and constitutionalism in China has come and gone. At the end of the dark tunnel of the CCP’s party-state, the general trend of China’s constitutional transformation has come true.

An era of transition from totalitarianism to post-totalitarianism, and then from post-totalitarianism to democracy

On the first level, from the perspective of the historical evolution, we can see that the totalitarian regime of the CCP is heading for demise. The general trend of the evolution of communist regimes in the world is from the establishment and prosperity of totalitarian party-states, to the evolution of totalitarian regimes into post-totalitarian regimes, and then to the democratic transformation of post-totalitarian regimes. In other words, the basic curve of the evolution of the communist regime is the trilogy of totalitarian, post-totalitarian, and democratic transformation.

The communist totalitarian state was born in Russia in 1918, and then spread like a virus around the world, especially in Eastern Europe, East Asia and Central Asia across Eurasia, reaching its peak in the 1950s and rivaling the Western democratic world. After reaching the peak, the next evolution path is division, decline, and defeat, although some backward countries are still relied upon in the process of decline and decline.

After Stalin’s death in 1953, the communist party-states in Soviet Eastern Europe changed from totalitarian to post-totalitarian. Post-totalitarianism is a variant of totalitarianism, that is, totalitarianism after thawing, slackening, and losing the belief of the people and the cult of the leader’s personality. Post-totalitarianism still maintains political unity, and still brutally eliminates any organized political opposition, but promotes “revisionism” in both economic and ideological and cultural fields, no longer sticking to unity and tacitly acquiescing to actual semi-pluralism. The reforms of Gorbachev and others inherited the reforms initiated by Khrushchev. Gorbachev’s “new thinking” was the culmination of “revisionism”, which finally contributed to the collapse of the post-communist totalitarian party state and the transition to constitutional democracy with varying degrees of success between 1989 and 1991.

However, the historical evolution of human beings only has trends and probabilities, and there is no law like nature. The fundamental reason is that there is an active and uncertain variable in human society, that is, people as historical subjects. There are two dazzling exceptions to the evolution of the communist totalitarian state after the death of its founder. One exception is North Korea. This country directly merged the “party world” of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the “family world” of the Kim family, identified Kim Il Sung’s “Juche idea” as the “sole guiding principle”, and identified the party leader as ” The benefactor and loving father who gave life to the people”, and was hereditary from three generations of the Jin family. Thus, North Korea has maintained the prototype of totalitarianism to this day.

Another exception is China, which has fallen back to totalitarian restoration after more than 30 years of post-totalitarianism. After Mao Zedong’s death in 1976, China’s “detotalization” was a great cause jointly promoted by the government and the opposition. The “de-totalization” efforts of the people actually started when Mao Zedong was dying. During the “April 5th Movement” launched in memory of Zhou Enlai on the Qingming Festival in 1976, the awakened Chinese had already written a verse to bid farewell to the era of Mao Zedong’s totalitarianism: “China is no longer the China of the past / The people are not foolish / Emperor Qin The feudal society is gone forever”. Such an awakening is in stark contrast to the stifling leader worship and general ignorance of the Chinese people from 1949 to 1976, and the general ignorance that still pervades the North Korean people today. After Mao Zedong’s death, non-governmental publications with the theme of “de-totalitarianism” sprung up, and quickly formed an ideological enlightenment movement called the “Democracy Wall Movement”, showing the Chinese people’s new way of breaking free from the spiritual enslavement of the party-state and pursuing democracy and freedom. Spirit. Contrasting with the awakening of the people, the CCP regime has also carried out “rectification”, “ideological emancipation” and “reform and opening up” under the promotion of the enlightened faction Hu Yaobang and others within the system, partially denying Mao Zedong and his ultra-leftist line, and restricting individuals. Worship and lead dictatorship, rehabilitate wrongful convictions, remove the hats of “five types of elements”, liberate political pariahs, give some space to individual and private economies, and selectively open the country to accept the systems and concepts of international capitalism and the democratic world.

Under the joint promotion of temples and rivers and lakes, China has entered a post-totalitarian period. The social structure and power structure have undergone major changes, and a society with comprehensive political, economic, and cultural integration no longer exists, but is replaced by loosely unified politics, a semi-diversified economy with mixed ownership, and a semi-competitive ideology of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign ideologies. Diverse culture. The three major tides of marketization, globalization, and democratization are surging, and the totalitarian conservative forces are counterattacking by means of “anti-spiritual pollution” and “opposition to bourgeois liberalization”, and Deng Xiaoping, who controls the supreme power of the CCP state, is swaying from side to side. In 1989, the two sides in the tug-of-war had a showdown in the “Democracy Movement of 1989”. As Deng Xiaoping fell from the reformist camp to the totalitarian conservative camp and mobilized the army to slaughter civilians, the radical student leaders refused to join forces with the CCP led by Zhao Ziyang. Accidental factors such as the cooperation of the enlightened faction within the party, Zhao Ziyang’s weakness and misjudgment, the “89 democracy movement” was close to success.

After the failure of the 1989 Democracy Movement, the liberal and democratic forces inside and outside the Chinese system were thoroughly purged by the totalitarian conservatives, and the road to political democratization was blocked. During the period of 1989-1991, when many post-communist post-totalitarian party-states disintegrated and moved towards the transition to constitutional democracy, China’s post-communist post-totalitarian party-states found a new way to survive. After Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour in 1992, the top leaders of the CCP reached a further consensus, canceled the debate on “surnames, capitalists and surnames”, self-denying party-state socialism, transitioning to party-state capitalism, and parasitic on the body of the international capitalist system. The transition from party-state socialism to party-state capitalism means that the post-totalitarian order and pattern are solidified. From Jiang Zemin’s “muffled sound to make a fortune” to Hu Jintao’s “not tossing”, it reflects the helplessness of the post-totalitarian CCP state.

In 2012, Xi Jinping entered the center of power, and with the support of the most ignorant and stubborn red second-generation totalitarians within the CCP-state, he reversed history and made every effort to restore totalitarian dictatorship. This is a temporary setback in the evolution of China’s history, and it is a dying struggle and a flashback before the demise of the CCP regime.

There is no successor of the second generation of the bitotalist red

The second level is the perspective of intergenerational politics. We can clearly see that no matter how much Xi Jinping’s second generation of red is tossed, the CCP’s regime will not be passed on to the third generation of red, and it will surely disappear with the second generation of red. I have repeatedly emphasized in articles such as “Understanding the Return of Totalitarianism in Current China” and “The CCP’s Party-State Can’t Pass on to the Three Generations of Red”, that the collective succession of the second generation of the Communist Party of China can only be short-lived. When Mao Zedong was alive, proletarian revolutionary discourse flourished, and there was no arrangement for hereditary power. Moreover, during the Cultural Revolution, in order to cooperate with him and the “capitalist roaders” in the party’s life-and-death struggle, Mao Zedong also instructed to criticize the “lineage theory”. It was not until 1989-1991 that the communist regimes of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and the international communist system suddenly collapsed. After the initial decision of the red generation in China, they made a strategic plan to transfer power to the second red generation to keep the red country and let the second generation of red in the country. The party, the government, the military, and their central state-owned enterprises have risen to power and occupied key positions, forming a powerful network of power and controlling key resources. Zeng Qinghong, Liu Yuan, Xi Jinping, Bo Xilai, Wang Qishan, Yu Zhengsheng, and other backbones of the second generation of red, became the center of the CCP’s power just after the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and the CCP’s bloody suppression of the “89 Democracy Movement” and the comprehensive purge of democratic forces inside and outside the system .

However, in Chinese society where people’s wisdom has developed, princelings and the second generation of red have long been negative words, and hereditary power has been widely criticized. The interior of the second generation of red has also been severely differentiated. Although there are totalitarian diehards who support Xi Jinping, there are also constitutionalists who are actually opposed to them, such as Hu Deping, Hu Dehua, Dai Qing, Gao Yu, Li Datong, Ren Zhiqiang, Cai Xia, etc., as well as Liu Yazhou, Ma Xiaoli, Qin The modernists represented by Xiao and He Di, as well as the many free-spirited sects. Due to the overlord Xi Jinping’s overbearing bow and “fixed on one”, he used gangster methods to brutally establish the relationship between monarch and ministers with other red two generations, forcing other red two generations to bow their heads and become ministers, and not to “arbitrarily discuss the central government”. Many of the diehards Haoqiang has also separated from him now, gnashing his teeth behind his back.

What is more meaningful for China’s future is that the second generation of red can rely on their father’s shadow to occupy key positions in various systems and form a strong power network, but they are unable to let their sons and daughters replicate this power network. Moreover, their children received educations that were completely different from theirs. They grew up in the infiltration of European and American rains. Their values, knowledge structures and cognitive models were different from those of their parents. They yearned for a free and modern way of life and lacked inheritance. The inner strong impulse of the totalitarian red country. In terms of power comparison, even if the three generations of red have the wish to inherit the red country, it will not become a climate at all. Chinese society will no longer allow them to be like their fathers. People with lofty ideals and the awakened democratic world will effectively prevent their collective hereditary.

  1. Xi Jinping’s totalitarian restoration has caused domestic and foreign difficulties

On the third level, the reality we have observed from the perspective of real politics is that Xi Jinping’s reversal of totalitarian restoration and comprehensive corruption of the accumulated achievements of reform and opening up has caused the totalitarian party-state of the Communist Party of China to fall into domestic and foreign difficulties and precarious conditions.

The author and many people of insight have long pointed out that Xi Jinping has staged a farce since he came to power, and it is a farce that has brought great harm to China and the world. The ancients said, “Virtue does not match, there will be disasters”. When the villain ascends the throne, the calamity is not limited to the individual, but affects the entire society. Xi Jinping was originally a mediocre official who had no outstanding performance and achievements except for his scheming for decades. He was pushed to the highest position of the party-state by Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong and others by accident. He was immediately ambitious. Desire. In Ren Zhiqiang’s words, it was a “clown who took off his clothes and wanted to be an emperor”. Xi Jinping was able to centralize power quickly thanks to a totalitarian party-state system in which executive power reigns and the overall mediocrity of CCP officials. It is a spectacle of official corruption that a politician as mediocre as Xi Jinping can dress up and pretend to be a “people’s leader”. What’s more, such a ignorant, ignorant, incompetent, and guilty person can actually create a cult of personality by virtue of media propaganda and information control, and can actually win over so many servants and servants and hawks and thugs. The tattered rumors of national rejuvenation lured all beings to board his autocratic and xenophobic thieves. It is a great shame for the Chinese nation that there are so many speculators and philanthropists who are so disgusting and flattering. The Chinese people still have fresh memories of the devastation and calamity of Mao Zedong’s personality cult, and how can they be worthy of another villain’s personality cult?

The catastrophes that Xi Jinping has brought to the Chinese nation are too numerous to list. Xi Jinping’s greatest sin is to make China regress to totalitarian politics. He used the totalitarian mechanism to carry out systematic political persecution and political cleansing, comprehensively destroying Chinese civil society, systematically eliminating political enemies within the party, sweeping human rights lawyers and civil opinion leaders who rely on NGOs and the Internet to engage in various rights protection and dissemination of constitutional and democratic ideas; he He turned the Internet into a propaganda tool of the party-state through measures such as the “Cleaning the Internet”, and used digital communication technology and social credit mechanism to carry out nationwide monitoring; he used authoritarian power to destroy the real-time reporting and reporting of sudden epidemics established after SARS in 2003. The prevention mechanism led to the global spread of the new crown virus, and then the inhumane “zero policy” caused countless patients to die without medical treatment and other humanitarian disasters; he destroyed Hong Kong’s autonomy, freedom, rule of law and democracy and made the “Pearl of the Orient” Overshadowed, physical and cultural genocide was carried out in Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places to intensify ethnic conflicts and intensify ethnic divisions.

In terms of economy, Xi Jinping is a typical “prodigal” who brutally used autocratic power to destroy wealth, causing the capital and wealth accumulated over decades of China’s reform and opening up to be quickly drained away during his two terms of office. Xi Jinping has made great strides along the road of restoring totalitarianism to promote “the state advances and the people retreat”, driving private enterprises out of upstream industries through “supply-side reforms”, incorporating high-quality private enterprises into zombie-like state-owned enterprises through “mixed reforms”, and establishing party organizations and organizations in private enterprises. The party secretary controls the finances and personnel of private enterprises by participating in the board of directors and other means, and takes care of the giants of private enterprises by “fighting the disorderly expansion of capital”; in order to satisfy his personal desire for leadership and vanity, he not only spreads the people’s fat and people’s anointing harvested by the party and the state to “sprinkle money” all over the world. ”, and labored the people and hurt the wealth to build a series of unfinished projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Xiongan New Area; he introduced various policies to make the real estate bubble bigger and real, increasing the risk of systemic debt crisis and financial crisis; he refused to introduce international advanced The new crown vaccine, the savage implementation of the closure policy that shut down the economy; he not only fought a trade war with the United States, but also arrogantly used China’s economic size to impose economic sanctions and economic coercion on Australia and other countries, poisoning China’s foreign economic relations. The combined result of these perverse actions is that today China’s economy is stagnant, industries are in recession, bankruptcy and unemployment are coming one after another, hundreds of millions of people are complaining about the damage to their interests, and the “China model” is completely bankrupt in front of the world.

In terms of diplomacy, Xi Jinping’s arrogance and totalitarian restoration have also caused unbearable harm to the Chinese nation, and made the CCP’s party-state embattled on all sides. The root cause of Xi Jinping’s regime’s feud with the democratic and civilized world is that it ran wild on the evil road of totalitarian restoration, openly waged war against universal values, and openly challenged the international order supported by universal values ​​such as human rights, freedom, and the rule of law. On April 22, 2013, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the “Circular on the Current Situation in the Field of Ideology”, which clearly stated that universal values, civil society, constitutional democracy, and freedom of the press have been accepted and pursued by the awakened Chinese people. Concepts and systems are listed as targets of strikes in order to maintain the political and institutional security of the totalitarian party-state. Xi Jinping’s “new era” foreign policy returns to the foreign policy of Mao Zedong’s era in two fundamental aspects. One fundamental aspect is that politics is in command, arrogantly and ignorantly striving to be the world leader at the expense of the interests of the country and the nation; the other fundamental aspect is that the current situation is attributed to “the east rises and the west falls” (the expression in the Mao Zedong era was “the east wind prevails over the west wind”), and then Enemy the developed democratic world, ally with authoritarian regimes and third world countries that resent the West, in order to create an international environment and order that is conducive to the survival and development of China’s totalitarian party-state. From such absurd standpoint, the Xi Jinping regime’s argument that the nation is in peril has continuously pushed up national sentiment; it has violated the “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” to carry out large-scale reclamation projects and corresponding military deployments in the South China Sea, in order to extend China’s sovereignty to the Pacific Ocean. naval power and control of key international shipping lanes; build a China-centric investment and trade system through mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; destroy international treaties and promises to forcibly mainlandize Hong Kong, and keep dispatching Warships and warplanes disturb Taiwan and draw the sword in the Taiwan Strait; tie China’s national fortunes to rogue states such as Russia and North Korea to offend the civilized and democratic world; recklessly violate international rules and contracts and blatantly steal advanced Western technology, through ” The vicious words of “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” robbed the international discourse power, manipulated international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations Human Rights Council, and corroded and weakened the core values ​​and institutions of the Western world through united front means; and so on, to name a few. Because of this, the democratic world has regrouped to contain the CCP state.

  1. China’s constitutional transformation is imperative

There is a saying in the community that Xi Jinping has been lacking in other aspects in the past ten years since he entered the Dabao. The reason people fall into the misunderstanding of recognizing or praising Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption achievements is because of the wrong definition of corruption. The exact definition of corruption is “the use of power for personal gain”. According to this precise definition, Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping are the biggest corrupt elements in a country. Who was the most corrupt in Mao Zedong’s China? Of course, it is Mao Zedong, the devil of the world. As the leader of the CCP, he dominates the party-state. Even in terms of money, Mao Zedong was the richest man in China at the time. Who is the most corrupt in China today? Of course, it is Xi Jinping, who is “set in one”. Just like the “black eat black” trick that the autocratic emperors of all dynasties have continuously staged, Mao Zedong, Xi Jinping and others abused their autocratic power to fight corruption to consolidate and strengthen their autocratic power. No greed for money and sex can be compared. Greed for money and sex should be punished, and greed for power and position should be punished even more. Moreover, in the true sense of anti-corruption, there are effective systems and methods such as checks and balances of power, publicity of official property, judicial independence, handling of cases according to law, and independence of the press. Man punishes sin. Xi Jinping’s so-called “anti-corruption” is a tit-for-tat approach to extrajudicial law enforcement and choice of law enforcement, which completely serves his personal political self-interest.

In fact, it is precisely because of the trump card of “anti-corruption with an iron fist” that Xi Jinping, who has brought disaster to the country and the people, is still in power and makes all officials submit to orders. In the institutional framework of the totalitarian party-state forcing good people to become prostitutes, the question for officials at all levels is not whether they have violated the rules, but whether they will be held accountable. Whether or not to be held accountable rests with the top leaders at all levels of government. Whether or not cadres above the provincial and ministerial level will be held accountable is up to the CCP leader. The old and faint-hearted Mao Zedong was in his dying years. He was lying on the hospital bed and issued orders through “accompany the sleeping girl” (Jiang Qingyu), and still firmly grasped the power of the party and the state, relying on the unspoken rules of the party and the state gave him the ultimate power to dispose of personnel. In the personal files of all high-ranking officials, the crimes of all high-ranking officials who have been reported or self-examined are preserved. According to such a “book of life and death”, Mao Zedong could dispose of any official at any time. In the totalitarian system of the party-state, the life and death under the control of the supreme leader is indeed absurd and cruel. After Mao Zedong’s death, the people in the temples of the CCP’s party-state have been deeply grieved. Partially “de-totalitarian” and moved toward post-totalitarianism, ending the political line of “class struggle as the key link”, expressly prohibiting the cult of personality, and establishing a retirement system, a tenure system, and a party system. Internal democracy, collective leadership and other rigid constraints and soft constraints to prevent leader dictatorship. Regrettably, they were limited by their cognition and selfishness of the one-party dictatorship, so they did not completely deny Mao Zedong and reject political democratization in the true sense. The cause of “de-totalitarianism” has been abandoned halfway, leaving endless troubles. The party leader’s ultimate power to dispose of personnel, which has not been removed, has fallen into the hands of power-hungry villains like Xi Jinping, and the whole country has suffered from totalitarianism again. Totalitarians such as Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan, in addition to using severe punishments to harm society, poison society, and poison interpersonal relationships, also collect materials through discipline inspection departments and secret service agencies to rebuild the “life and death records” of cadres at all levels, and use corruption charges to purify dissidents at any time. In this way, the “anti-corruption struggle” has the same effect as the “class struggle” of the Mao era, and is used by Xi Jinping to force other party-state officials into submission, so that all officials live in fear of self-defense and abuse. Fornication creates a cult of his personality.

To end the scourge of the totalitarian Xi Jinping on China, China must change its fundamental political system. In 2014, when I published the book “Constitutional Transformation in China”, I specifically wrote on the cover: “The task China faces is not the reform within the framework of the party-state system, but the transformation from the party-state system to constitutional democracy.” Obviously, Xi Jinping’s perverse actions run counter to the tasks of the times facing China. After experiencing the return of Xi Jinping’s totalitarian restoration, people of insight in China’s government and opposition can only stand up and end Xi Jinping’s farce as soon as possible without hesitation, and complete China’s constitutional transformation. The Chinese people have been advancing China’s constitutional transformation one after another. Recent examples include Xu Zhiyong, Ren Zhiqiang, Xu Zhangrun, and other upright and loyal and brave countrymen, who bravely challenged Xi Jinping and publicly challenged Xi Jinping. Liu Xiaobo asserted that “China’s hope lies in the people”, sincere words!

The people in the temple of the party and the country also have sufficient basis to block Xi Jinping. Just as Cai Xia listed in “Xi Jinping’s treacherous and cunning constitutional revision and its impact”, all actions that Xi Jinping has undertaken to re-elected are barbaric destruction of the rules of civilization. As the result of civilization in exchange for the blood and tears of hundreds of millions of Chinese during the Cultural Revolution, the revision of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China in 1982 made the abolition of the posts of leading cadres for life as the basic principle of the constitution, and clearly stipulated the term limit for the posts of state leaders; The revised “Constitution of the Communist Party of China” also specifically wrote into the major principles of opposing the cult of personality, abolishing the life system, and never allowing special party members within the party. Since then, the two terms of the party and government leading cadres on the same post have been institutionally established. In order to eliminate “exceptions”, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China specially issued the “Interim Provisions on the Term System of Party and Government Leading Cadres” in August 2006, stating that “Party and government leading cadres serve two consecutive terms in the same position, and no longer Recommended, nominated or appointed to hold the same position.” Xi Jinping openly sought re-election in violation of regulations, publicly trampled on “Party discipline and state law”, and openly created a cult of personality.

All sectors of society have worked together to realize the transformation of constitutional governance, and the Chinese people won once in the “Xinhai Revolution” more than a hundred years ago. More than 30 years ago, the communist party state of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe disintegrated in a blink of an eye. Looking around the land of China today, people’s minds change. People from all walks of life who have good thoughts in their hearts should give it a go, do their best and obey the destiny. The magnificent moment that the world has been waiting for will come as scheduled. The totalitarian tyranny of the CCP will be wiped out in the echoes of civil uprising, mutiny, and coup d’état, and constitutional China will be born in the agitation of voices, songs, and laughter.

(This article only represents the author’s personal views and positions, please indicate the source for reprinting, thank you)


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