在国会大厦Nancy  Pelosi 颁奖会上的发言



           2009年,Nancy Pelosi在国会大厦前为纪念六四演讲时,我就站在她后面听她演讲。今天,魏京生代表中国所有赞同“政治现代化”的人,给Nancy Pelosi颁发民主人权终身奖。

          Nancy Pelosi是杰出的政治家。政治的本质是MetaPolitics,MetaPolitics是通过政治防止战争和暴力冲突、维护国内和世界和平。普京发动了对乌克兰的战争,而Nancy Pelosi去年访问台湾,明确显示了美国对台湾的政策,防止了未来的台湾海峡战争。政治家在一个国家内部,是用政治来制止大规模暴力冲突的人。Nancy Pelosi不只是维护民主党,而是维护美国国内的和平,防止大规模的暴力冲突。


【图1】 1988年2月里根总统在Washington DC接见严家祺等人
【图】2009年6月4日,Nancy  Pelosi在国会大厦前为纪念六四演讲,右1是严家祺 

          现在,台湾海峡战争的危机还存在,我今天在这里提议,今年同时授予乌克兰总统泽连斯基和Nancy Pelosi 诺贝尔和平奖。任何挑起战争的人、挑起大规模暴力冲突的人,都是全人类公敌。防止战争、防止大规模暴力冲突的杰出政治家,应当授予全人类的和平奖——诺贝尔和平奖。我希望台湾、美国和全世界的媒体广泛传播这一提议。

【严家祺:六四后受中国共产党公安部通缉的七位知识分子之一,中国科技大学毕业,任中国社会科学院政治学研究所Institute of Political Science, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences第一任所长,1989年民主中国阵线Federation  for  Democratic China第一任主席。】


  Speech at the Nancy Pelosi Awards at the Capitol

                                  ——The essence of politics is MetaPolitics
                                        Yan Jiaqi

                                                                June 7,2023

In 2009, I stood behind Nancy Pelosi as she spoke in front of the Capitol to commemorate June 4. Today, on behalf of all those in China who agree with “political modernization,”  Wei Jingsheng presented Nancy Pelosi with the Lifetime Award for Democracy and Human Rights.                                                                
Nancy Pelosi is an outstanding  statesman . The essence of politics is MetaPolitics, and MetaPolitics is to prevent wars and violent conflicts and maintain domestic and world peace through politics .  Putin started the war against Ukraine, and Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last year clearly demonstrated the U.S. policy toward Taiwan and prevented a future war in the Taiwan Strait. A  statesman  is someone who uses politics to stop large-scale violent conflict within a country. Nancy Pelosi is not just defending the Democratic Party, but maintaining peace within the United States and preventing large-scale violent conflict.
I studied the behavior of headmen, and nearly 40 years ago, published a book, “The Headman Doctrine,” which I met President Reagan and gave him a copy.  I also gave it to Premier Zhao Ziyang in China. The head man, if he is ignorance  and fearless, will create divisions and provoke wars, and the people will suffer disasters. When a head figure holds absolute power, absolute disaster will happen. The Cultural Revolution in China, the war in Ukraine, and the world war were absolute disasters caused by the absolute power of the “ignorance  and fearless”.

 [Photo 1] President Reagan meets with Yan Jiaqi and others in Washington DC in February 1988                            
  [Photo2] Nancy Pelosi speaks in front of the Capitol on June 4, 2009 , with Yan Jiaqi on the right.

Now that the crisis of war in the Taiwan Strait still exists, I am proposing here today that the Nobel Peace Prize be awarded this year to both the President of Ukraine Президент  України  and Nancy Pelosi. Anyone who provokes war, who provokes large-scale violent conflict, is a public enemy of the all mankind . Outstanding statesmen who prevent war and prevent large-scale violent conflicts should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the peace prize of all mankind. I hope that the media in Taiwan, the United States and around the world will widely disseminate this proposal.

[ Yan Jiaqi: One of the seven intellectuals wanted by the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Public Security after June 4,   Graduated from Chinese University of Science and  Technology  ,First director of the Institute of Political Science,  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,  and in 1989 the first  president  of the Democratic China Front Federation for Democratic China ].

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