华盛顿, DC.

6 5 月, 2024 2:47 上午


















Dear respected Ms. Pelosi,
I am honore to be here join this event, and I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers for giving me this opportunity  to convey our deepest respect to You
The friendship between China and the United States has a long history. In the past, the United States has provided significant assistance to China in various aspects, ranging from China’s well-known 清华University, 湘雅and many Hospitals,to churches evan in remote areas in Northwest China. Especial during World War II, General Claire Lee Chennault and his Flying Tigers fought fiercely in the sky, bringing immense inspiration to the Chinese people. Whether its in politics, economy, or culture, the United States has provided a lot of help and support to China, and we will keep it in our heart forever.

Due to various reasons, China unfortunately fell under the totalitarian rule of the Communist Party in 1949. Since its inception, communism has brought endless disasters to humanity, with bloody, famine、chaos and slaughter accompanying its reign. The Chinese Communist Party represents the culmination of all the evils found in communist countries like the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe ,It has subjected the Chinese people to the bloodiest and most brutal rule. From the day it was established, the CCP regime has not ceased its killings and bloodshed in the past 74 years, causing immense suffering to the Chinese people and resulting in the unnatural deaths of tens of millions. However, the resistance has never stopped. From Ms. 林昭to Mr.魏京生leadership of the Xidan Democracy Wall in 1978, from the June Fourth  to 709 human rights lawyers, and even to the present-day white paper campaign, 鹏立法 in Beijing’s 四通 bridge,and most new,乔鑫鑫the initiator of the End GreatFireWall Movement、who was kidnapped back to China just a few days ago.The essence of the CCP’s dictatorial regime is anti-human and ruthlessly boundless.  It utilizes and exports the model of its savage rule to undermine the democratic civilization of the United States and Western countries, leading the world into darkness.
Respected Ms. Pelosi, I would like to thank you for your longtime support of the democratic movement in China over the past few decades, and for your concerns on the plight of the Chinese people living without freedom, democracy, and human rights under the rule of the CCP. Your bravery act of mourning the victims of the June Fourth Massacre on Tiananmen Square in Beijing was like a beacon, illuminating the resonance in Chinese people’s hearts. I had the privilege of witnessing your participation in the 30th-anniversary commemorative activities of June Fourth in Washington, D.C. in 2019, from attending the congressional hearing in the morning to unveiling the Tank Man statue in the afternoon. It was the first time I saw you up close, and you care more about China’s democracy as always.  Especially on August 22, 2022, when you fearlessly defied the threats from the CCP and flew to Taiwan for a visit. I was one of the billions of people around the world who closely followed your plane. When you landing at Taipei and disembark, I was so moved to tears and shouted from the heart : “Thank you Great America! Thank you Great Speaker , Thank you, a  female hero Pelosi.” We so proud for you, and sincerely thank you for your support and influence on the cause of democracy for the Chinese people and the world. Its profound significance will be into the history.
Speaker Pelosi has always been concerned about the democratic and human rights causes of all ethnic groups in China and countries around the world. She has played a symbolic role among politicians, providing encouragement, inspiration, and practical assistance to oppressed people.  Her noble character, bravery, and wisdom have dedicated her time and energy to human rights in China and other countries, making great contributions that deserve our everlasting respect and admiration!
Thank you, Speaker Pelosi, the longtime 、old friend of the Chinese people. We,The Chinese people will always remember your great support for the democratic movement in China, and  will forever remember and appreciate you, the great Speaker Ms. Pelosi!

May God bless you!
Thanks again


Anna Wang

2023.6.7.Washington DC


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